Why I love Minnesota
An essay by Virginia E. Berry
A reflection by Virginia E. Berry
An opinion article by Virginia E. Berry
My mom called me from work last night at 7pm CST.
Me "What on earth are you doing still at work? Go home!" as I mumbled through dripping hair with soap on my face. I had sprinted from the shower since I heard my phone ring.
My mom "Oh good you're at home. Can you go to your computer?"
Me "Yeah, why?"
My mom "Go to www.kare11.com they are showing live footage of a bridge that collapsed during rush hour on 35W (an interstate)."
Me "What? That's really creepy."
So I hopped back into the shower to rinse off and get back to my computer. I was pretty shocked. Fortunately (thank you American media for your rated G newscasts) the live footage wasn't showing much. I listened to the news throughout the evening.
What struck me the most powerfully was the press conference statement from the Red Cross (my summary of what they said): Please, there are too many volunteering to help. We appreciate your willingness to help, but have more than enough volunteers at this time. We have been receiving numerous phone calls.
If you would like to contribute the best way you can help at this time is to offer a donation www.redcrosstc.org because this effort will be very expensive for the Red Cross (I just donated I hope you can too). You can also give blood.
I love you Minnesotans! Minnesotans are some of the kindest most considerate people on the planet! So many want to help that the Red Cross of all groups, has to turn them away! This is reason #653 why I love Minnesota!
Also, in case you are wondering- so far all of my loved ones in Minnesota are well and accounted for. I hope yours are too.
DISCLAIMER: Please only visit these sites if you are not bothered by strong images. They are very emotionally charged.
Here is a powerful slide show on www.msnbc.msn.com click on Launch to view the images.
Also, this was a pretty interesting site too with people submitting their eyewitness photos.
My thoughts are with everyone touched by this act of nature.
Peace be with you,
Please note, above image copyright John Heinzerling, available today at http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20080572/nPage/2
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