This is a must read: I rarely to never give out my favorite supply places, I guard these trade secrets like the recipe for the pizza dough & sauce at your favorite pizza place. But, I am just so pleased, and because they are big I know they won't run out, with the great selection at Glass Garden Beads in Northfield, MN.
I've been slowly exploring the retail in downtown Northfield as it has changed a lot since I lived here in high school. A few of my old standby favorites are still here but so many new faces (and by new they could've been here for 10 years and I never made it in ;) ) have popped up all over town. Plus, the stores are constantly offering new curiosities. If you are having a hard time finding the right gifts for your favorite people, I highly recommend a stroll down Division St. in Northfield. I am certain you will find that certain something you are looking for.
Glass Garden Beads is a store that I remember being there for several years, but when I would come home on visits, I was not an avid jewelry maker and thus never ventured in. If I had sooner, I am certain I would've started making a lot more jewelry. Firstly, compared to the compact store fronts I had grown accustomed to in NY and MA, Northfield's retail spaces are in general, quite large. Glass Garden Beads is no exception, they're huge! and in the most delightful ways.
I was impressed right away to see they were offering findings that are right on trend with the steampunk aesthetic that is sweeping artist marketplaces such as Etsy.com. Right up front they have over flowing bins of vintage keys (so much more convenient than scouring junk shops like I have in the past for desirable aged keys), deconstructed watch components and these oh so sweet 'tarts', shapes punched from vintage metal containers. LOVE.
As you meander through the store the walls are filled with beautiful beads and the tables too. Sorted by color...DOUBLE LOVE, and within reach so us tactile shoppers can get our fix.
I will let you in on yet another secret: you don't have to be in Minnesota to shop at Glass Garden Beads; they offer online shopping too! Here is their web shop.
Again, this is one of the first and only leaks I'm putting out there on best available supply places. Feast your creative minds folks!
Image found on: http://blog.glassgardenbeads.com/ 12/17/10 Copyright Glass Garden Beads.
Thanks for reading. I think my favorite part of it all is people can shop online too :0)