A couple of weeks ago interested students joined me for an evening of sewing at GAS Works. We made rag dolls as part of the Rag Dolls 2 Love project. I love and feel strongly about the mission of the Rag Dolls 2 Love organization. People from all walks of life are encouraged to make rag dolls from the patterns and instructions provided for free on their website. These rag dolls are then donated to children throughout the world that are victims of natural disasters and living in war torn communities. The idea is to give the children something soft to hug (the arms are long enough to wrap around your neck, sweet). I've made dolls in the past and would make dolls all the time, hours permitting, however, what I really enjoy is sharing this project with others and spreading the word on the Rag Dolls 2 Love project. I will tell you this takes a few hours but is doable by people of many skill levels, one of my students is disabled and has challenges with fine motor skills (ie. cutting & pinning, which is a big part of the project) and was proud to be one of the first ones finished!
If you would like to make rag dolls, here is the pattern: pattern & instructions.
To learn more about the project visit: RagDolls2Love.org
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